Thursday, 17 September 2015

Carlingford Adventures


Each year TY's go on a trip to Carlingford in Lowth. This trip is one of the best experiences in TY and is a way to get to know our year group. We traveled to Lowth on Thursday morning (bright and early) and spent the night there.  We played many games on the trip in the woods to do with teamwork, it was very scary letting someone walk you around blindfolded. We also went pier jumping! It was amazing! Then we went canoeing to the water trampoline. Everyone was pushing each other into the freezing water ( it was absolutely FREEZING!) I was pushed into the water many times but sadly I never got my revenge as we had to head back to the center.  That night we indulged in lots of chocolate and crisps after a long day.

 The main street. I tried to take tumblr photos with Marion, go check out her blog!  (, yes this is a promo)